signals Germany
From PTG Youtube Tutorial <>
- Loosley translates to driving safety switch
- Similar to the system used on British trains
- "Sifa" light on dash illuminated when NOT activated
- To turn on, press 'shift enter'
- Sifa will activate every 30 seconds
- Sifa light will illuminate for 4 seconds with no sound
- To cancel, press 'enter' on number pad. If not done within 4 seconds an alarm will sound.
- You now have 2.5 seconds to cancel before emergency brakes apply.
- Press 'y' to set cruise control speed. Bug on the speedo indicates set speed.
- Press 'c' to reduce set speed
- To activate, press 'control numberpad enter'
The 55, 70 or 85 light indicates what type of train you are driving.
- 85 = type O or passenger train
- 70 = type M or faster freight train
- 55 = type U or slow/heavy freight.
- Each type has different rules when approaching a red signal.
- PZB acknowledge button to acknowledge alarms = page down key
- PZB release button = end key
- PZB override button = delete
- PZB is not active by default. You need to turn it on by pressing 'Control Enter'
- When starting, the 70 and 85 lights will be flashing and you won't be able to exceed 40 km/h. Press 'end' to release.
- You will get a yellow yellow aspect about 1.2 km from the red signal with a 1000Hz magnet.
- The PZB alarm will show
- Press pgDn. You will now be in 'monitored' state.
- Slow to 85km/h within 23 seconds.
- After 700m, monitored state ends.
- Slow to 45km/h before crossing '500Hz' magnet. If the signal ahead clears, you can press 'end' to start accelerating again.
- Draw up to the signal. Do not pass the 2000Hz magnet at the red signal without authority. Press 'delete' to overide to pass the red signal if authorised.
- LZB starts and finishes at a sign.
- At the start of LZB, the 85 light will go out and U will illuminate.
- The distance measurement indicator will show distance to next speed limit and what the limit will be.
- The red G will show you that you need to brake harder to stop in time for the next signal.
- In LZB mode, AFP can be activated to make driving automatic.
- LZB does not automatically cause the train to stop at stations. You still need to do that manually.